About Us
Our Story
Making the world’s leading IT hardware brands available to the Southern African reseller channel.
As its name suggests, Tarsus Distribution is a distributor that is focused on making the world’s leading IT hardware brands available to the Southern African reseller channel. It is the longest-established IT distributor in South Africa and uniquely positioned to meet the channel’s needs for credit funding, stock availability and efficient logistics so that resellers can deliver the best possible service, support and overall solutions to the small and mid-sized end-user customer at the lowest possible cost.
Not only does Tarsus Distribution provide excellent service and world-class logistics, but it is also committed to the development of the reseller community and its skills.
As part of the solution focus, the company also prides itself in the provision of technical skills to its reseller community that allows for more complex business deals utilising cutting edge techniques and technologies to be employed as and when required by small and mid-sized end-user customers.

Why Tarsus Distribution?
Going forward, suppliers and resellers of technology equipment will only be successful if they stop focusing solely on transactional sales and start deriving a significant amount of their revenue through solutions sold in response to customers’ needs. This means that suppliers and resellers will need to disengage from a product-driven mantra and instead engage in service-driven offerings that solve customers’ problems and get the job done.
We understand this, and we know that small to mid-market customers are the primary target of this approach. Because of the need to respond to customer demands directly, Tarsus markets its solutions stack to the end user and the reseller simultaneously. We are, however, a channel-centric organisation and remain committed to fulfilling all leads generated through its reseller partners.
Tarsus believes a high-touch model is required to initially deliver on this, but that as capacity and capability develop in the mid-market reseller base, the next wave of smaller resellers can be developed. Once this strategy has been brought to fruition, Tarsus sees solutions to end-customer needs being crafted by a solution hub and then implemented – and supported – by resellers, allowing every party to play to its strengths and coexist in a modern channel model.

Expert consulting and advice
Tarsus Distribution sets itself apart in a commoditised and competitive market by partnering with the channel to provide complete solutions to the end client -- from consulting about the business requirement to fulfilling the order. In addition to an unsurpassed national logistics engine and integrated supply chain, Tarsus Distribution offers channel technical support capabilities and tailored channel financial services. An accredited Level 1 broad-based black economic empowerment entity – Tarsus Distribution, is recognised as a black-owned and black female-owned business under the Amended ICT Sector Codes.

Logistics and value-added services
Tarsus’ value to partners is its ability to aggregate inventory, credit, and logistics and provide configuration services. A much smaller segment of the group’s partners position themselves as hybrid players in the market. This means they are focused on traditional value-added reseller activities but have also begun branching out into providing services and solutions based on customer needs and sold on an annuity basis.
The future of the ICT industry relies on annuity streams derived through solutions sold in response to customers’ needs in a manner that’s completely abstracted from the underlying infrastructure and other specifics. The group also knows that the mid-market customer is the primary target for this approach.
Tarsus is uniquely positioned to meet the channel's needs for credit funding, stock availability and efficient logistics to ensure that partner resellers can deliver the best possible service, support and overall solutions to their end-user customer base at the lowest possible cost.

Market share
The Tarsus Technology Group is in the enviable position of having most of the market share when it comes to partner relationships in the SADC region. The vast majority of its partners position themselves as value-added resellers who focus on the provision of legacy type ICT solutions and services to customers in a largely transactional fashion.
Our Testimonials
“Simptech’s partnership with Tarsus back 12 years and they continue to be an integral part of our ability to simplify our customer IT. The role of Tarsus is key in delivering consistent, predictable and efficient service to uor customers.
The significant investment that Tarsus have made in technology and infrastructure makes them our Distributor of choise.”
“Neo Technologies (Pty) Ltd has been a client of Tarsus Distribution for over 18 years. Tarsus has helped our business grow into the business we are today. With their professional staff always there to assist us in our every need. We are proud to be associated with them, and would highly recommend Tarsus."
“When many suppliers fall short technology-wise, Tarsus Distribution Portal stands out as being modern, data-rich and easy to use.”
Company Profile
Tarsus Distribution is the longest-established IT distributor in South Africa and a level 1 B-BBEE contributor, a black female-owned and black-designated group owned under the new ICT Charter.
Click here to download the latest BEE certificate.
Tarsus Distribution’s head office is situated in Gauteng with virtual teams in Western Cape, Eastern Cape, KwaZulu-Natal, Mpumalanga and Free State. Tarsus has also extended its footprint into Africa with branches in Botswana and Namibia, and a focused sales team that services other African territories from the South African head office in Johannesburg.
For more information, download our company profile here.

Corporate Citizenship
The management and staff of Tarsus Distribution are committed to reducing its impact on the environment. We will strive to improve our environmental performance over time and to initiate additional projects and activities that will further reduce our impact on the environment.
The key points of its strategy to achieve this are:
- Energy
- Purchase Energy Star® rated equipment and appliances
- Hibernate or switch to sleep mode any IT equipment not in use for short periods of time
- Use low-energy lighting
- Use electric lighting only when necessary in favour of natural lighting
- Switch off all geysers in the bathrooms and kitchens
- Utilise occupancy sensors which automatically switch off lights when areas are not in use
- Utilise solar energy to power outside lights at night
- Health
- Use cleaning products that are biodegradable and not tested on animals
- Properly discard toxic materials and products that contain them
- Harvest rainwater and greywater which will be utilised to water the grounds