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11/09/2020 | Compute | HP

4 Ways HP Education Solutions Can Help You Prepare For Remote Teaching

The unprecedented tides of Covid-19 forced those in the education sector to adapt to technology. And without prior planning, many teachers, schools, and students (and parents) quickly had to get the hang of remote teaching and learning. In this article, we unpack HP Education Solutions. 

HP Education Solutions

At the pandemic's peak, 184 countries had implemented school closures, which affected at least 1.53 billion learners. It's fair to say that the global pandemic's impact on the education sector was severe. One of the main questions during the early days of the outbreak was, "how do we continue teaching and learning when we're not allowed out of our homes?" And this is where HP Education Solutions come in. Working to bring technology to schools for this very reason – HP aims to ensure that the classroom is always accessible in the following ways: 

  • Helps teachers plan for time flexibility
  • Assists teachers in communicating expectations to their students
  • Opportunities to engage with students
  • Allows students to provide feedback through video chats

Covered In This Article

How HP Education Solutions Create Virtual Classrooms
Introducing The Campus Of The Future
Coverage Through HP Worldwide & HP Education Solutions

How HP Education Solutions Create Virtual Classrooms

If you are looking for technology built specifically for schools, this HP offering is guaranteed to transform your virtual or physical classrooms. By incorporating the latest technology to satisfy students' needs to use digital devices during the day, the variety of learning activities will spark students' attention and interest. Education technology also empowers teachers, allowing them to create collaborative instructional environments. These HP Solutions also inspire teachers to reinvent learning to engage students at all levels while keeping the class focused and on task.

Introducing The Campus Of The Future

HP has partnered with colleges and universities worldwide to establish the Campus of the Future – a visionary campus aimed at providing a secure and collaborative learning environment. The Campus of the Future conducts exciting research into cutting-edge technology to create hybrid campuses that blend technology with reality. The revolutionary campus aims to improve learning outcomes while increasing operational efficiency.

Coverage Through HP Worldwide & HP Education Solutions

In recognition of the shift towards the global uptake of technological resources, the HP Worldwide Warranty provides standard global coverage in the countries where HP devices are being used.

Should you want to discuss the implementation of HP Education Solutions to assist with remote teaching at your school or institution, contact us for more information.