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Eaton Cybersecurity With Doc From The Eaton Toy Force

Written by Tarsus Distribution | May 30, 2021 10:00:00 PM

We have to face some cybersecurity challenges in the rapidly evolving landscape of malware, phishing and hackers. In the face of these threats, traditional security approaches are no longer sufficient to protect the enterprise – whether on-premises or in the cloud. Let's have Doc take us through Eaton Cybersecurity.

Eaton Cybersecurity

The Eaton Toy Force’s very own mega-mind genius, Doc, can integrate systems in the smartest possible way and help you with clever monitoring and alerts that will not only protect your infrastructure but curb invaluable downtime.

Many IT administrators simply follow the “don’t fix it if it’s not broken” model, this approach leads to increased risk, which leaves the enterprise vulnerable to and results in significant financial burden. Don’t wait to react to incidents, make the most of Eaton’s resources and secure your configurations.

Doc can integrate systems in the smartest possible way and help you with clever monitoring and alerts.

Covered In This Article:

Cloud-Based Cyber Secured Remote Monitoring
Eaton Cybersecurity Perspectives
Gigabit Network Card

Cloud-Based Cyber Secured Remote Monitoring

Eaton Cyber Secured Monitoring is the right solution to connect your device without any compromise to security and availability. It runs on a secured cloud and allows enabling services such as Remote Monitoring, Health Reports and early anomaly detection that help to mitigate downtime risk associated with the critical components (battery, capacitors, FANs, etc). Eaton Cyber Secured Monitoring runs in any supported Eaton UPS equipped with the gigabit network card or the industrial gateway card. Wireless options are available.

  • 24/7 monitoring by Eaton specialist team
  • UPS remote monitoring portal including real-time UPS diagnostics to evaluate the situation before travelling to site.
  • Early anomalies notification enabled by alarms management system managed by Eaton service expert team.
  • Comprehensive monthly Health report of UPS performance and Eaton recommendations.

As organisations expand their digital footprint, it becomes imperative to protect the availability, integrity and confidentiality of their systems. Cyber security threats must be taken seriously and met proactively with a system-wide defensive approach specific to organisational needs.

We recognise that no protection method is completely secure. A “defense in depth” mechanism that is effective today may not be effective tomorrow because the ways and means of cyber-attacks constantly change. This is why administrators of industrial control system networks must be ever-alert to changes in cyber security and work to prevent any potential vulnerabilities.

Eaton Cyber Secured Monitoring can be purchased separately or with one of the Eaton service plans.

Eaton Cybersecurity

Eaton Cyber Security Perspectives

A world dependent on connectivity and electrification needs trusted environments. To advance cyber security, we’re bringing together experts from around the world to weigh in on what strategies are working, what can be done better and what will be required to support a more secure tomorrow.

Cyber security Perspectives is a global forum and educational programme designed to help advance Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) cyber security by combining best practices and direct experiences with leading-edge research and development. Register today to gain insights from our experts, partners and customers on how you can better manage risk to support a more cyber-secure future.

Gigabit Network Card For Eaton Cyber Security

With faster speed and enhanced cyber security, the Gigabit Network Card improves power system reliability by providing warnings of pending issues to administra­tors and helping to perform an orderly graceful shutdown of servers and storage.

  • Gigabit speed for compliance with networking equipment and gigabit-only data centre networks
  • Compatibility with Eaton Intelligent Power Manager (IPM) v1.61 or higher and several Eaton UPSs
  • Connected devices can be rebooted remotely with load segment controls automatically, or on a schedule
  • Reduced setup time and enables compatibility without changing port settings on the network switch
  • Enhanced UPS capabilities – The UPS can be linked to other systems with the network card, thereby creating a system that can be used to save costs or provide additional functionality
  • Self-setting, real-time clock with battery backup and linkage to NTP (Network Time Protocol) server ensures accurate reporting of event history
  • Additional memory allows storage of current and prior firmware versions

Eaton’s UPS Gigabit Network Card makes it simple to connect a UPS to a network, improving power system reliability through effective monitoring and management of the power environment and virtualised networks. The cards comply with the UL 2900-2-2 standard, which ensures the highest level of defence against emerging cyber security threats.

The cyber security enhancements include stronger encryption, configurable password policies, signed firmware packages and the use of signed digital certificates. By using the card’s Syslog functionality, IT managers can centrally monitor and receive notifications on the log-in activity on every card, enabling early detection of any suspicious activity, and providing an additional layer of cyber security. New features available on Gigabit cards include remote and centralised authentication through LDAP/Active Directory and Radius.

Critical to your business success is finding a partner that delivers the engineering skill, service expertise and interoperability that lowers cost, reduces risk, and provides a safer environment across the data centre life cycle.

Eaton is a leading global provider of comprehensive power management solutions, consistently delivering the availability demanded by today's IT environments. Eaton solutions include the broadest range of power management products and services available today:

  • Uninterruptible power systems (UPSs)
  • Airflow management
  • Rack power distribution (ePDUs)
  • DC power systems
  • Management software
  • Comprehensive services

From power distribution to power quality and control, Eaton allows you to proactively manage your complete power system. We provide electrical and hydraulic solutions that make your applications safer, more reliable, and highly efficient. Our integrated offering helps machine builders save cost and energy, cut time to market, and increase reliability.