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06/15/2020 | Energy

Protecting Your Data Centre With UPS Systems

If your data centre is not protected by backup solutions such as UPS systems, your entire business could be at risk. However big or small your centre might be, you need to ensure that you have everything in place to allow you to efficiently manage data in a way that is secure and able to grow with your business. Even an interruption of less than a second can wreak havoc, putting your data at risk and jeopardising your business in the process. Protecting data with UPS systems is vital. This is where UPS systems become indispensable. 

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How Do UPS Systems Protect Data Centres?

How Do UPS Systems Protect Data Centres?

UPS systems protect data by ensuring that there is no loss of continuity when any type of power problem arises. Data centres typically house a number of servers, each hosting a large volume of data. Servers are constantly processing data at a rapid rate. If there is even a short power failure, all servers could shut down, with processing grinding to a halt. This would lead to data loss on a massive scale. The fact that any users busy using the server remotely would also lose access to data, effectively halting business operations in the process. 

Aside from outright power outages, there are other power issues that can put your data centres at risk, including the following:

Frequency variation 

This happens when there is an inconsistent frequency in electrical power. The result is damage to equipment due to the fact that servers and other equipment need to be run on its required frequency. Damaged equipment will very quickly cause problems with data access, putting your systems at risk of breaches, too.

Waveform distortion 

This happens when electrical power waveform is dislodged in some way. When this happens, electrical equipment loses its sync, causing disruptions to power. Once again, the risk here is problems with data as well as system insecurity that puts sensitive data at risk.

Sags and surges 

These happen when power wavelengths are either shortened or increased. In the case of sages, wavelength shortening results in low voltage disruption and can often be caused by equipment failure or start-up problems. With surges, there is a spike in voltage

Rather than taking the risk of performance reduction, it is essential to keep your data centres secure and fully functioning with a reliable UPS system.