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04/24/2019 | General Interest

Tarsus T-Bay: Retail Convenience For Busy Resellers

Resellers in the IT channel have very passionate customers who often need bread-and-butter items like printer cartridges and toners at the shortest possible notice. That’s why Tarsus Distribution created T-Bay for Tarsus products, a retail store-like environment that offers easy access to these and other items.


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T-Bay stores are located in the Durban, Cape Town, Bloemfontein and Port Elizabeth regions. Each one ensures that the most in-demand items required by South African SMBs are always in stock, enabling resellers to grab what they need at their convenience.

All reseller partners can access their closest T-Bay store from 8am to 5pm, Monday to Friday.


T-Bay stores give resellers quick and easy access to a range of the most popular consumables, as well as demo and new stock items, at short notice.

Products available via T-Bay can be found on the Tarsus Distribution portal. Resellers buying from T-Bay must collect, thus saving on delivery charges.

Demo stock items include printers, notebooks, and monitors.

Top 20: Always In Stock

Tarsus Distribution uses data generated by reseller purchases to create a list of the top 20 most in-demand products. The company uses this to ensure that those items are always available at T-Bay stores across the country.

According to this data, these typically include popular ink cartridges and laser printer toners, boxed editions of Windows 10 and Office 365, USB 3.0 flash drives, and peripherals like Targus bags, USB hubs, and mice – the “bread-and-milk” products needed most often by reseller partners.

A Competitive Advantage

“Tarsus T-Bay is our ongoing effort to offer our reseller partners easy access to the products they need most, as well as a selection of attractively-priced demo products, at competitive prices,” says Tarsus Distribution’s Eve Duron, Sales Manager.

“They can walk in, place their orders, and enjoy a cup of coffee while they wait. They can even connect to our free Wi-Fi and stay abreast of what’s going on at the office while they are out and about.

“By collecting in person, our reseller partners save on delivery charges. This saving offers our valued partners one of the biggest competitive advantages we can,” Duron 

Differentiate Yourself

Tarsus T-Bay saves resellers money with appealing prices and in-person collection on a range of popular items.

This empowers our partners to set themselves apart, a vital advantage in today’s highly competitive marketplace.

Written By: Tarsus Distribution