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05/24/2023 | APC | Eaton | Energy | Lalela | Vertiv | Enertec

To power up or not. What’s the business risk for you?

By: Diana Hughes, Product Business Unit Manager

In today's fast-paced business environment, having a reliable supply of power is critical for smooth operations. Power disruptions, such as load shedding or unexpected outages, do occur, posing significant risks to businesses that do not have backup power solutions in place.

Let’s explore the business risks of not having a backup power solution, and highlight their importance for both home and office settings in a world of the hybrid workplace.

  1. Downtime and loss of productivity: Power outages can result in downtime, causing disruptions to normal business operations and leading to loss of productivity. When critical equipment, systems, and devices are left without power, employees may be unable to perform their tasks, resulting in unnecessary frustrations, missed deadlines, delayed projects, and reduced efficiency. This can impact customer service levels, delay deliveries, and potentially result in revenue loss.
  2. Financial loss: Extended power outages can result in financial loss for businesses. Lost sales opportunities, missed business deals, and additional costs incurred to recover from the outage, such as equipment repair or replacement, can significantly impact a business's bottom line. Additionally, the cost of idle labour during downtime can add up, further impacting profitability.
  3. Damage to reputation: Being incapable of fulfilling your clients expectations and needs or missing important deadlines during load shedding, causes enormous reputational risk. Customers and stakeholders may lose confidence in the business's reliability and ability to deliver products or services, leading to a negative impact on customer loyalty and brand image.
  4. Data loss and security risks: Power outages can lead to data loss if critical systems, servers, and electronic devices are not properly backed up. This can result in the loss of important business data, sensitive customer information, and intellectual property. In addition, during power outages, businesses may have difficulty monitoring and securing their premises, leading to potential security breaches, theft, or vandalism. Data loss and security risks can have severe legal, financial, and operational repercussions for a business.
  5. Compliance and legal risks: Depending on the industry, businesses may be subject to regulatory compliance requirements that mandate the availability and integrity of data and operations. Not having a backup power solution in place can result in non-compliance, which may lead to fines, penalties, and legal liabilities.

Investing in reliable backup power solutions, such as uninterruptible power supply (UPS) systems, inverters, or other alternative power sources, can help businesses ensure uninterrupted operations during power outages, protect critical data, maintain customer trust, and comply with regulatory requirements. It is important to research the options well and ensure that your business considers the total cost of ownership of a backup power solution. In most cases, you will settle on a combination of solutions ranging from a UPS to solar to a backup generator.

For more information on reliable backup power products and solutions available from Tarsus Distribution click here.

Written By: Tarsus Distribution