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06/08/2020 | Energy

UPS In Patient-Centred Environments

Thanks to the incredible advancements patient-centred technology, UPS systems and other backup solutions have made it possible for an even higher level of care than ever before. The role of power backups in the healthcare industry continues to gain importance, highlighting the vast risks that a lack of systems can have on patient care and lives.

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Covered In This Article

UPS Systems And Patient Care

UPS Systems And Patient Care

UPS systems are designed to optimise energy use, while also reducing costs in patient-centred environments such as hospital wards, surgical units and treatment rooms. Some of the ways that UPS can enhance patient care in these environments include the following:

Imaging equipment

Imaging equipment such as CT and MRI machines as well as EEG and EKG systems need to be powered at all times. Power interruptions can cause sudden spikes in currents, leading to equipment damage and other risks such as duplicate results, repair costs and even patient safety if machines are not functioning properly. Compliance is required when it comes to power requirements, leading to consequences if machines are not fully operational. 

Life Support Equipment

It goes without saying that life support equipment is the most essential equipment in any hospital. Although most equipment of this nature is designed with a built-in battery in case of downtime between power outages and generator startups, the risk is too dire to not have an additional backup system in place. Added UPS is the only way to ensure that patients continue to be supported in the event of generator stalls or failure.

Surgery Centres

Whether based within the hospital or operating outside of hospitals, surgical centres include a range of specialised surgeries, from orthopedic to cosmetic. Many procedures are done at these centres as well as centres and rooms within the hospital, from minor outpatient procedures to major procedures that require multiple surgeries and lengthy recovering times. Anaesthetic procedures, heart monitors, chargers, and various other equipment needs to be functioning at all times, making backups essential to avoid disruptions that can put patient lives at risk in the middle of surgery. 

With the help of UPS systems and other backup solutions, patient-centred environments can ensure full peace of mind at all times.