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Terms of Use

  • 1. Licence. We grant you a limited licence to use this website.
  • 2. Breach. We may cancel your licence if you breach any of these terms.
  • 3. Framing. You may not frame this website.
  • 4. Capacity. You agree to these terms on the basis that you have the capacity to visit this website.
  • 5. Accurate information. You promise that you will give this website only accurate information.
  • 6. Ownership. We or our third-party licensors own all rights in this website.
  • 7. Trademarks. All our trademarks are our property and you may not use them without our permission. All other trademarks are their respective owners' property.
  • 8. Restrictions. You may not change, hire out, reverse engineer, or copy this website without our permission.
  • 9. Own risk. You use this website at your own risk and we make no warranties about it.
  • 10. Indemnity. You indemnify us against any liability related to your use of this website.
  • 11. Direct damages limited. Our maximum liability to you for all claims for direct damages related to this website is R100.
  • 12. Indirect damages. We will never be responsible for any indirect damages.
Privacy policy
  • 1. Purpose. This policy describes the way we handle your personal information.
  • 2. Personal information. Personal information includes information we collect automatically when you visit this website.
  • 3. Collected automatically. We collect your Internet usage information when you visit this website.
  • 4. Purpose for collection. We may use any of your personal information that you provide to us for the purposes that you indicated when you agreed to provide it to us.
  • 5. Disclosure. We may disclose personal information to third parties if required for legal reasons.
  • 6. Security. Our website is hosted on a secure server and uses security measures to prevent interference by intruders.
  • 7. Retention. We will only retain your personal information for as long as is necessary.
  • 8. Transfer. We may transfer your personal information outside South Africa to a foreign country